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Monday, 30 September 2019

Streaming Wars

I have previously written a blog about the different streaming services but this one is slightly different. More and more and coming around now and the big players have released their initiation dates and prices …. And there’s gonna be a war … and we are all gonna be caught in the amazing content crossfire.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Life Update

So, I haven’t written any blogs or updates in a while. I’ve partly been busy with life and all that jazz but also haven’t had the motivation or inspiration to write something that would be good. I had an idea of writing a blog about my favouritecity (Manchester) as around the time I went for a day trip and hotel stay over and took plenty of pictures … but then getting around to writing something, and with having no actual goal or purpose for the piece, (other than me saying how much I love it), would have just been a whole lot of rambling which is what I fear I do anyways.