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Monday 25 November 2019

2019 Review and Looking Forward to 2020

So it has been a while since my last post again. I find myself getting more and more busy the closer to the end of the year it gets! In fact I have 1 Saturday where I have nothing planned on the run up to Christmas … its EXHAUSTING … but I wouldn’t have it any other way. As the year draws to a close I often find myself thinking back on the last year and looking forward to all the brand new experiences and opportunities for the next. So let's get started!

Monday 30 September 2019

Streaming Wars

I have previously written a blog about the different streaming services but this one is slightly different. More and more and coming around now and the big players have released their initiation dates and prices …. And there’s gonna be a war … and we are all gonna be caught in the amazing content crossfire.

Monday 9 September 2019

Life Update

So, I haven’t written any blogs or updates in a while. I’ve partly been busy with life and all that jazz but also haven’t had the motivation or inspiration to write something that would be good. I had an idea of writing a blog about my favouritecity (Manchester) as around the time I went for a day trip and hotel stay over and took plenty of pictures … but then getting around to writing something, and with having no actual goal or purpose for the piece, (other than me saying how much I love it), would have just been a whole lot of rambling which is what I fear I do anyways. 

Wednesday 12 June 2019

WWDC2019 MacOS Catalina

Its been a few days since I’ve done one of these posts from WWDC19 as I discovered that other features would be written about by people attending the conference that I wouldn’t have been able to access by being at home in England. For the macOS Catalina update there wasn’t a great deal of new things announced. It already had the dark mode in a previous update so that wasn’t a new thing this time. There were more connectivity with other device announcements that were cool though.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

WWDC 2019 watchOS 6

Another announcement done at WWDC19 was watchOS 6. This wasn’t as big an announcement as in previous years but there were a few notable points. With there being so few I might as well jump straight into them. 

Tuesday 4 June 2019

WWDC 2019 iOS 13

Last night (3rd June 2019), Apple did their annual WWDC (world wide developer conference) keynote where they announce the new updates to Apple operating systems. Here they demonstrate and announce the new phone, laptop, watch, iPad and tv software. iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and now ipadOS. I always love it when Apple do their keynotes, they fill me with joy and awe, sometimes for the good but i often get caught up in it all and my judgement gets clouded. It usually takes me a day afterwards to realise that even though a lot of them are great changes … some of them just aren’t for me.

Friday 17 May 2019

“ ... it all started with the Big Bang “

After 12 years and 277 episodes the Big Bang theory aired its final episodes lately. I was a late comer to watching this show but when I started to watch it I fell in love with it.  Back then I was a closeted Nerd. I loved superhero’s and geeky things, I majored in materials science at university and enjoyed sci-fi and Star Trek as well as gaming. But I didn’t want to admit to it as I felt I had to be cool. This show changed all of that for me.

Friday 19 April 2019

“Ido not fear computers, I fear a lack of them” - Issac Asimov

Ive been thinking a lot about technology lately. Some for future tech, but whilst watching the Goldberg’s today I also thought about past tech and how far we’ve come with technology. I was born in 1987, too young to remember them (the 80’s), but I still love 80’s movies, tv, music and other things. The Goldbergs is a great show as a lot of the things shown on there I did grow up with, that’s why its so popular. So even though I was a 90’s child, with my siblings being born in the 80’s and being in england, I had a lot of hand me downs and had to watch, listen and play with things they used to (or still did at the time)

Monday 15 April 2019

The God of Media

Game of thrones started back this week (yay!!). I am glad it’s back because I’ve been in a bit of a rut with tv, movies, games and music lately. I occasionally get like this though. Being in the era of Netflix where whole series are at our beckon call we can binge tv shows in days rather than the months it takes for tv to air their shows. 

Friday 12 April 2019

My Streaming Service Blog

So within the last month or so there have been a number of companies announcing video streaming services. Big companies coming into this market as it’s the future for most people. 
While it’s great to have a choice it’s becoming more and more like tv services (cable/satellite) and I think it’s coming to a stage where enough is enough. 

Saturday 6 April 2019

My Working Life

I have been with my current company for over 15 years and held a number of different positions and worked on a number of departments. It being a retail supermarket I have had to change my life to revolve around the company, working weekends, until 10pm at times, working nights to finally settle on my current role (which starts at 5am 😫).