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Monday, 25 November 2019

2019 Review and Looking Forward to 2020

So it has been a while since my last post again. I find myself getting more and more busy the closer to the end of the year it gets! In fact I have 1 Saturday where I have nothing planned on the run up to Christmas … its EXHAUSTING … but I wouldn’t have it any other way. As the year draws to a close I often find myself thinking back on the last year and looking forward to all the brand new experiences and opportunities for the next. So let's get started!

For most, part of 2019 has been utter dogshit … me included but looking back now, I am still here, I am still pushing forward, I am stronger for everything I’ve done and seen so its not all that bad. The year started out for me with a trip to my favourite country and place (outside of Manchester) … ORLANDO FLORIDA!

We usually go on vacations around June/July and occasionally in October so this was my first January holiday and it was during my birthday. Its weird for me to have a birthday outside of my own country but there’s no other country I would rather be in. I LOVED that vacation. It was quieter than summer and cooler (sometimes too cold) and I could walk everywhere as it was cooler, we easily got onto rides in Universal (Disney was always and will always be busy) but it was warm enough for me to still wear shorts but not hitting the triple figures in Fahrenheit. I got plenty of merchandise, did things I haven’t done before whilst in FL and spent my birthday doing everything I wanted to do when in America. AMAZING. 

After that the months tend to blend into each other. I started this blog and was around the time I was at risk of redundancy from my job so it was a bit shit. However, saying that, in March I had my very first solo stay over in Manchester. I stayed at a hotel I’ve never been to, went to see Captain Marvel in the evening, went to a restaurant I’ve never been to and generally just had a good time. The hotel was a bit eh, I had an incident going in (wanted early check in but they said they didn’t do it and were a bit arsey) and there was a security guard on the entrance so that was different. The room was cheap and cheerful and it fit its purpose … however I wouldn’t go there again if I could help it. Either way it was good … and a huge step for me for being comfortable with myself to stay in the city on my own and do what I wanted to do.

After that my hours at worked changed to shitter ones and I just carried on going with my head down. 

June I had another stay over in Manchester but in a different hotel … that hotel is the one I always try to get to now. Its still fairly in the centre, it can have amazing views and is on the river and its just amazing. Theres a popular area near to it so there’s always something I can do. This visit I went around the city more taking pictures and just going for a general wonder, which is something I love doing. This hotel even had a bath so I made sure to buy a bath bomb and relax. However, the weather soon changed so I had to use a food delivery service for my tea (dinner). Again trying somewhere new and it was epic!

Without waffling on, I ha another 2 stay overs at that hotel later in the year and they were all amazing and I’m looking forward to more in 2020. I have even booked a 2 night stay so I can do more and go to new places so I’m REALLY looking forward to those. 

So enough 2019 … 2020 is where things are going to be awesome. I am gonna work my damndest to get a new job, one with more job security, better pay and hopefully in Manchester at an office. Im also gonna pick up my running again, I’m going to get a running journal so I can physically write down and see how I’m progressing (as well as using apps) and going to try and build back up to running 10k’s with ease. 

Im going to use my bridge camera some more to get some epic shots of Manchester and have pretty pictures that I can share, and I’m just gonna work on being the happiest I can be. Im also going back to Florida and I’m going to buy myself a custom lightsaber at Galaxy's Edge.

Im not sure why I get excited for the new starts but I always do. 

Before anyone comments saying; “why don’t you start now? … don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today .. Blah blah blah” .. I know this … but I have to mentally prepare and enjoy myself and do the base work so I’m not wanting to quit 2 months in and be able to fuel my body correctly (for the running) etc , etc.

Trust me.

I am also going to try and write more on here … possibly pick certain subjects where I can just write about them rather than filling you in on my life. 

I would also like to get back into video making and editing. Im not sure why but this morning I just got the urge to make more videos. I could even try streaming again. I saw a widget that would allow me to do a news type broadcast but it might be better to YouTube that. However I would need to figure out how to record audio on streamlabs obs as it tends to only record my video and not sound. 

Anyway … that’s where I am at … hopefully I will be writing more specific posts about specific topics but until then I hope you’ve enjoyed catching up.

Thank you for reading. 

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