
Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Very First News Blog - June 2020

This will be the first blog devoted to geek news. The original plan was to make a video of me telling the news, how wet, after recording and attempting an edit, it was not to my standards and was not useable. 

I shall keep working on it and hopefully have videos to go with these blogs. So until then, I thought I might as well release this blog as I had put the work into the stories.


Sunday, 14 June 2020

Jim's Geek News

Hi, and welcome to the very first, Jim’s geek news … I may change the name if I think of something better.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Life Update

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post. With the constant worry of coronavirus going around and trying to find my centre and calm during all of this, somethings got set to one side and unfortunately, the blog was one of them. Thankfully, I’m getting into a flow with things and adapting. I shall do a little update into what has been going on and start to say where I would like to go when things start returning to a form of normality. So, here goes nothing …

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Corona Update

So, I haven’t been writing many blogs lately. I think with this global pandemic going on, I’ve not felt the urge to. Like, there are more important things I can be doing like looking after my family and maintaining my good mental health. For the most part, I’ve been doing the last part. I’ve kept myself busy, maintained SOME form of exercise and tried to limit my media consumption. I thought today to just give y’all an update as to where I’m at.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

"I don't measure America by its achievement but by its potential." - Shirley Chisholm

Hi, my name is James … most people call me Jim though and I have MANY addictions. Whether they’re healthy ones are not is up to Doctors who get paid a lot more than me. I don’t feel they are that bad, they’re not drugs or alcohol or anything but nice ones like coffee, Under Armour workout clothing, notebooks and a country. That country is the good old US of A. Ok, so coffee could be harmful depending on how much I consume, my notebooks addiction means I COULD be buried under them all, but my god, what a burial that would be … give me a pen and I would be happy and the under armour clothing one isn’t too bad. The thought of working out is there, obviously, because I buy the clothing (to be fair, I do actually work out … maybe not as often or hard as maybe I should but I do go for runs and eventually will go back to the gym to do weight/resistance workouts … but knowing me I’ll catch a cold whilst there, and right now, I DON’T want that).

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Eat To Fuel Your Body ... Not Your Emotions

The world is facing an going through a climate emergency. Some people may say that in the next decade, if not enough is done, we will have caused irreparable damage to the climate of our only planet. Some might say it’s already too late. 

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Run Jimmy RUN!!

Last week I managed to do a personal record of 3 posts. I said on the Sunday that this might not always be the case, and this week proves that. However, officer, the reason for this was due to Netflix dropping 2 shows on me. The first was Altered Carbon season 2. I have still (at the time of writing) not finished it but HOLY BALLS its good. I enjoyed Joel Kinnamon in the title role, but Anthony Mackie has done well. I know he is a good actor but wow. I did feel a bit bummed when I heard Joel wasn’t returning, but the premise of the show is VERY clever from a production point. Actors can’t be demanding with money as they can easily be replaced, and it will fit into the story for the character to have a different sleeve. ANYWAYS, this blog isn’t about that show, although, I could probably do a post about it … but will have to see. Going back to my shows, the second show Netflix dropped on me was F1: Drive to Survive. I quite enjoy watching F1 and this behind the scenes show is good. But again, this blog post is about running … good luck to anyone reading this before the “read more” section. I draw you in with tv shows and BOOM … it’s a running post.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

"Just 'cause you pour syrup on something doesn't make it pancakes." - Samuel L. Jackson

Today is pancake day, or pancake Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday. Originally this was a religious day so people could use up all the eggs, sugar or other foods for the beginning of Lent. Somewhere along the line, it was just adopted by everyone and the people who give up things for lent will chose something like alcohol or chocolate or crisps etc. this blog won’t be a history lesson, because actually, the only thing I know about pancake day, I’ve mentioned above. No, I have chosen this blog to show what I mean, by pancakes and why I go around commenting on other people’s pictures as a sort of troll (all done in Jest).

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Style Is A Way To Say Who You Are Without Having To Speak.

Blog 3 of the week … what is going on? However, I cannot guarantee I will have this amount every week. Some weeks I might not even post any due to being busy or not having inspiration but wow … 3 posts in a week.
I guess I should explain this post a little in the abstract as it were. So, being from the U.K, I have noticed a few things when doing clothes shopping. Now this isn’t to do with gender specific shops like Victoria’s Secret, Topman, etc I’m talking about the stores that claim to sell all kinds of clothes.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Welcome to the world of ..... Yesterday

2 blogs within the same week … what a time to be alive!!
Although, if it makes you feel any better, this blog post is a follow on from the one I posted previous (you can read it here), so while it is a new post, it’s a part post … last post + an “and here’s another thing …” so let’s get into it.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

This Just In

Something blew my mind on Tuesday. Literally knocked me for six but when thinking about it more and more, it shouldn’t have. So I was doing my usual browse through Twitter, and I came across this post.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

You're My Wonder Wall

So, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog, almost a month. I found it hard to find inspiration and somebody reddited me saying “maybe if you can’t find inspiration, then maybe blogging isn’t for you” … so yea … I’ve had that from a random, but honestly, I’ve felt that I didn’t want to put out random posts that I wasn’t passionate about and then it being crap … id rather my posts be crap but at least passionate. So here we are.

Sunday, 19 January 2020


This week has been a strange one. I think this is partly due to me being ready to have a week off work to relax. I never really got much time off over Christmas and new year due to me currently working in retail and the way the days fell, I basically just had Christmas and boxing days off and was in work either side of those.

Monday, 13 January 2020

Restaurant, Hanging Out, Becoming More Geeky

We’ve made it through the first full week of 2020!! Even with the risk and thought of world war 3 and all kinds of other terrors. Give yourselves a pat on the back because, if you are reading this, you made it!! It took me a bit to figure out what to write in this blog post, its a day later than last week but it hit me that I need to write it on my recent trip to Manchester. My first of 2020. 

Sunday, 5 January 2020

5 Days in and it could all go tits up

So, we’ve arrived … its now 2020 and while we are only 5 days into it, at the time of writing this post, we might be heading towards a third world war … awesome :/